Korean families are separated again after short three-day reunion 이산가족 눈물의 이별

Описание к видео Korean families are separated again after short three-day reunion 이산가족 눈물의 이별

Turning now to the last day of inter-Korean reunions at the Mount Kumgang resort in North Korea.
The first group of war-separated families has said their goodbyes on the third and final day of the first stage of the reunion event.
For a vivid recap of this emotionally-charged day, we turn to Connie Kim.
It′s yet another heartbreaking goodbye….
Eyes are filled with tears and hands are tightly held, as families hold onto their final moments before being separated again, possibly forever.
″There is nothing more to wish for. We have to meet again and again and again. That′s all there is left. I don′t wish for anything more.″
This is probably the last time Lee Jeong-sook will see her father.
She whispers something she′s always had in her heart, but has been unable to say for so long.
″I′ll love you forever, Dad.″
For everyone, it′s a dream come true,... but one that was far too short.
″I never imagined you′d be alive and that we′d get to meet.″
It′s an emotional time,... a time they will remember forever.
Afraid of not being able to say everything on the last day, one man had written his father a letter several pages long.
″Thank you so much. Let′s meet again when the two Koreas are reunified.″

In their final session, family pictures were taken for the first time in more than 60 years, family trees were reconstructed, and some families exchanged promise rings as mementos of their time together.
For these families, every minute must have felt like a second,... and all too soon an announcement tells them the time they′ve been wanting to avoid,.... has finally come.
″We′re sorry, but the reunions will come to an end in 10 minutes.″
On the buses, ready to depart, the families reach out for one another,... trying to hold on until the last possible moment.
″You have to stay healthy. Promise me you will stay alive until reunification″
″I love you.″
″Please stay well so we can meet again.″
As they say their last goodbyes, there are cries of sorrow, as the families don′t know when,... or if,... this will be their last embrace.
As the buses move away,... it′s too hard to bear for many... and some are unable to speak.
So far 19-thousand Koreans have been reunited with one another, but given the timing, it′s estimated that the majority of separated family members will have passed away within the next 25 years.

″For everyone to be reunited with their loved ones, at least six thousand people must meet every year. That′s led to growing calls for the reunions to be held on a regular basis, beyond the politics of the two Koreas.
Connie Kim, Arirnag News.″


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