A pedra egípcia no centro do Vaticano

Описание к видео A pedra egípcia no centro do Vaticano

Sobre o "Obelisco Vaticano", um monumento egípcio na sede do papado.

KORDINAK, Jacqueline T. Saint Peter's Needle: The Vatican Obelisk and Its Importance in Renaissance Rome. 2013. Tese de Doutorado. Ohio University.
CURRAN, Brian; GRAFTON, Anthony. A fifteenth-century Site Report on the Vatican Obelisk. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 58, n. 1, p. 234-248, 1995.
VOIGTS, Clemens; HEINE, E. C. Constructing a discourse on the art of engineering: Domenico Fontana and the Vatican Obelisk. EC Heine (a cura di), Under Construction: Building the Material and the Imagined World, p. 141-61, 2015.
MACGILVRAY, Daniel F. The Odyssey of an Obelisk: From Aswan to the Vatican. Arris, v. 9, n. 1, p. 40-53, 1998.

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