Motor Show Act (Rehearsal) by Francis Perreault | Cyr Wheel - Roue Cyr

Описание к видео Motor Show Act (Rehearsal) by Francis Perreault | Cyr Wheel - Roue Cyr

INSTAGRAM:   / fran6perr0  
FACEBOOK:   / perreaultcreations  
CONTACT: [email protected]

Gold Prize at the "Festival International de Circo de Albacete" (Spain)
Silver Prize at the "Budapest Circus Festival" (Hungary)
Silver Award at the ''Idol World Festival of Circus Art of Moscow" (Russia)
Silver Prize at the "Festival International de Circo de Albacete" (Spain)
Silver Prize at the "International Circus Festival of America Circuba" (Cuba)
Bonze Medal at the 36th "Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain" (France)
Bronze Prize at the "China International Circus Festival" (China)
Special Prize "Public's Choice" at the "Festival International de Circo de Albacete" (Spain)
Special Prize ''Prix Moulin Rouge'' at the "Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain" (France)
Special Prize ''Estrella De La Imagen'' at the "Circus Festival of America Circuba" (Cuba)
Special Prize ''Premio Circo Sensaciones'' at the "Festival de Circo de Albacete" (Spain)

National Circus School of Montreal (École nationale de cirque de Montréal)

Moulin Rouge de Paris
Cirque du Soleil
Cirque Éloize


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