Hell Dogs: Elden Ring SOTE Highlights 340 (ft. Raelmer)

Описание к видео Hell Dogs: Elden Ring SOTE Highlights 340 (ft. Raelmer)

We delve deeper into Castle Ensis in today's episode, as we answer Raelmer's rallying call and enter his world to help escort him through the DLC dungeon. It doesn't take long until we are met by a rather challenging adversary in Moonrithyll, the Carian Knight. Upon defeat during our first encounter, Kilson plays catchup as he rides across Ellac Greatbridge and through the encampments surrounding Castle Ensis. We retrace the steps we took with Raelmer, grabbing treasure and taking out enemies accordingly, until we make our way to the Castle Ensis Checkpoint grace site, where we rendezvous once again with our fellow hero.

After a few more attempts, we finally do take down Moonrithyll on Raelmer's campaign, as we continue to advance through the dungeon. It's a comedy of deaths as Kilson struggles make his way through due to some truly treacherous dogs from Hell. After some time however, the pair do reach the next grace site, and a boss fog wall, marking a checkpoint and the end of this volume. We shall find out what awaits us inside the boss chambers next time!


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