NMS - PS4 - Outlaw - Permadeath - Expedition 7 - Leviathan - Ep 4

Описание к видео NMS - PS4 - Outlaw - Permadeath - Expedition 7 - Leviathan - Ep 4

Join me as I continue to explore the galaxies of the No Man's Sky universes.

Persistent communications channels with me:
Discord -   / discord   (I currently only use the text mode, but it's available for audio later on.)
Twitter - @rusty0101
Twitch.tv - twitch.tv/rusty0102
PS4 - rusty0101
Channel on YouTube - "Rusty's No Man's Sky Channel"

Useful links for this stream (May or may not be actually referenced)
Refiner recepies, tutorials, tips, tools for getting around the galaxy : https://www.xainesworld.com/
Pretty much everything useful on No Man's Sky -
Steam community for No Man's Sky -

If you like what you see, and want to play also, see https://www.nomanssky.com/ for more options. No Man's Sky is a video game that the ESRB has rated as a Teen game in the USA, meaning that the intended audience of this channel is teen and above.

And as always check out my featured channels. Most of these people have been playing No Man's Sky for a lot longer than I have, and have a variety of videos available for viewing on almost any aspect of gameplay that you might be interested in.


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