MonteTalks: Node.js

Описание к видео MonteTalks: Node.js

We’re not slowing down and this time we want to invite you to the next MonteTalks about Node.js.
During this event, our three developers will share with you their knowledge and expertise in Node.js.

02:54 ⚡ Lightning Talk 1
State of Node.js - David Abulashvili, Senior Node.js Developer at Monterail

17:50 ⚡ Lightning Talk 2
Worker queues for Node.js - Piotr Cholewa, Senior JavaScript Developer at Monterail

45:34 Q&A session

🎙 We meet live, here on Youtube.
So join us, post your questions during the event and our experts will answer them.

⚡ What are lightning talks?
The main goal of lightning talks is to provide the most precise and specific information in the shortest possible time. This form allows for a quick transfer of ideas and creates a comfortable atmosphere for conversation, questions, and discussions.

🙌 What does this mean in practice?
This is a great opportunity for you to actively participate in the event, get the maximum benefit from it, and take part in the discussions.

🤝 Want to join David, Piotr and Denys as Node.js Developer? Just click here 👉 or here

See you soon!

#nodejs #montetalks #monterail


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