Overhaul Tribute

Описание к видео Overhaul Tribute

And here it is, the remake for my first ever video, Overhaul, it is an interesting story why do I choose Overhaul instead of The Joker or The Kingpin or even Hannibal Lecter for my name here on YouTube, two years ago I use to have a favorite song, "Buried Beneath" by RED (I still love that song :´) ) in that time I only relate that song with love, but when Arkham choose that song for Overhaul (ironically I hate him in that time) and I was like "BuT oVeRhAuL iS a SeNsElEsS MaDaFaCa, WhY wOuLd YoU cHoOsE ThAt SoNg FoR hIm?", so I was thinking about songs that could fit "better" in my opinion with him, and have to be honest, my rutine started to begin monotonous, so I was thinking about doing something else, and then I found that song (FEEL NOTHING by The Plot In You), and I started to make my first video, and wow, I felt an special feeling when I uploaded here, this channel has the name "Overhaul" instead of Kingpin, or Hannibal or Joker in a way to honor my first video, but then the problems started to begin and I didn't really wanted to continue this, but you, yes, YOU, you gave me the enough strength to continue, thanks for being here witnessing my first, awesome and very fun year, with nothing else to say, let me introduce you this "SeNsElEsS MaDaFaCa XD", Chisaki is a psychopath, misophobic and antisocial, who believes that everyone around him is sick. He seems to see the world of Quirks and heroes as a world full of diseases that he calls "Hero Syndrome". He seems to DESPISE any act of kindness and altruistic behavior, as he sees it as some kind of disease brought on by heroes in society. However, despite having that sick thought, he feels a great appreciation for The Boss who took him in as a child and with whom he feels that he has a debt that he must pay. He also seems to intensely hate Quirks, wanting to use Quirk Destroyer Bullets as a way to bring people down by destroying them, this is ironic considering he often uses his Quirk to figure things out. He suffers from mysophobia and thinks that everyone around him is sick and showing concern in places that might be contaminated, as well as hating being touched by other people, that's why I choose "I Despise" for him and I really love the message of this song, sadly this is the last Tribute of this event, thanks for staying tuned, get ready for My Top 10 Favorite Videos, a Octopus, a Happy Elf and My Bad English, see ya

Song: I Despise


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