EDF 5 M110 Just Tanking the Pseudo God Boss run Inferno Fencer The Nameless ( Earth Defense Force )

Описание к видео EDF 5 M110 Just Tanking the Pseudo God Boss run Inferno Fencer The Nameless ( Earth Defense Force )

Being pretty basic with the Fencer I hadn't thought of doing this mission with him. However, trying to do it with random players online I wanted to find a more reliable way to help others and landed on him. This mission is always nasty, as the silver man isn't exactly peachy to handle.

I did think something like this could work but not on this mission. I got the way from the japanese wiki but as, unfortunately, it's usual, what's there isn't exactly right. This is not the sea of roses easy-peasy they say it is with him.

The first point the recommended weapon isn't good. Blasthole Spear MS was good on EDF 4.1, on 5 it mostly sucks. The range which was huge in the previous game is now ridiculous and worse the weapon is too slow for what is arguably the fastest enemy you'll face. Its only plus is the piercing, but good luck taking advantage of it in this mission.
The Spine Driver MA is a much better choice. It may not be piercing and deliver less overall damage, but it's more consistent and has a better range, which will be crucial.

With the Spine Driver MA and the level 85 Great Shield, the level 78 Barricade System X and level 81 Shield Protection Armor F the Fencer can basically tank the whole mission. However, he'll have serious movement limitations.

The main reason the mission is not easy-peasy this way is that it's mighty easy to be surrounded and then you're dead meat in a snap. The shield will NOT protect your back. Since the first group of NPCs has really low armor and is wiped out pretty quickly, you'll almost surely be alone during the first and second cosmos drops, and particularly the second is pretty nasty. This is why the Spine Driver is a must because you SHOULD ENSURE that if you feel the cosmos drop phase is approaching you can keep a reasonable distance, or else either they or the silver man will surround you and you're dead. This always happened while I tried this mission with the Blasthole Spear or was too close to the silver man when the cosmos dropped, and it was several times.
Move early if you think you can be in trouble with the silver man or any cosmos. Due to your low speed if you take too long to act you'll likely be surrounded when you'll want to zip away, and too late to survive. On Inferno, these guys are no idiots.

The first cosmos drop has a shotgun guy, try to get him first. The second drop has a shotgun and 2 laser cosmos, and these 3 are pretty nasty. Cosmos drops on 2 groups, but sadly which ones and where seem to be random, so you can't focus on the right ones until they drop. As it happened to me, the laser guys will blind you when they're shooting at you, so use the radar as a guide to try to hit them. The shotgun and the laser cosmos do massive damage to your shield, don't take too long dealing with them.

The third cosmos drop is pretty easy to handle compared to the first 2, the heavies are no problem and the 2 normal cosmos are machine gun ones.

It's wise to have a pair of Blast Twin Spears as a second set of weapons, and zip away after each cosmos drop (except the third). Hide between buildings and rebuild shield, which is time consuming. Shoot them in tandem and you'll move around pretty fast.

This also works online. If there's a ranger he should equip Reverse Shooter X to raise your health from far (and his), a Air Raider with level 65 Power Assist Gun MG and 42 Guard Assist Gun can help the fencer a lot by improving his attack power and buff his damage absorption (or alternatively 79 Life Spout Gun ZM). Then they should zip away and help turkey shoot the cosmos and silver man from far.

It's still surprising and satisfying when it works. Remember to keep moving to keep your distance from the enemies whenever necessary.

It's VERY usual to be thrown under the map when the cosmos is showering meteor strikes at you. You'll fall slowly but eventually return to the map near the position where you had fallen.

Capturing the NPC WDs and Fencers will help as they will annoy the silver man and the third group of cosmos (even the second with some luck). Even the NPC rangers that will show after the third cosmos drop can help too.
Although you can finish the mission without the NPCs, this is another one where their presence helps a LOT. The distraction that the NPC Fencers and WDs provide is crucial for an easier life for yourself.

Have fun,

00:00 Read description, usually it's VERY useful
00:30 Boss is invincible until NPCs shoot
01:35 First cosmos drop
04:15 First Boss transform, Nameless invincible during it
05:49 Second wave of cosmos spawns
08:28 Capture WD and Fencer squads
08:43 Rebuild shield, just in case
11:39 Second boss transformation
12:07 Meteor showers start
12:28 Final wave of cosmos, including heavy ones
15:05 Rangers flying, couldn't capture them :-)
16:50 Message that Boss is almost gone
17:09 God is history, crates galore

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