Hong Kong citizens apply for UK BNO visas

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(31 Jan 2021) The UK introduced a visa system Sunday that will give millions of people from Hong Kong greater opportunities to live and work in the UK.
The new system will allow these British National Overseas citizens and their close family to apply for two periods of five years to live and work in the UK.
Thousands of Hongkongers have made the sometimes painful decision to leave behind their homeland and move to Britain since Beijing imposed a strict national security law on the Chinese territory last summer.
Their numbers are expected to swell to the hundreds of thousands.
Some are leaving because they fear punishment for supporting the pro-democracy protests that swept the former British colony in 2019.
Others say China’s encroachment on their way of life and civil liberties has become unbearable, and they want to seek a better future for their children abroad.
Most say they don’t plan to ever go back.
The moves are expected to accelerate now that 5 million Hong Kongers are eligible to apply for visas to Britain, allowing them to live, work and study there and eventually apply to become British citizens.
Britain’s government said some 7,000 people with British National Overseas passports - a travel document that Hong Kongers could apply for before the city was handed over to Chinese control in 1997 - have arrived since July on the previously allowed six month visa.
It estimates that over 300,000 people will take up the offer of extended residency rights in the next five years.
Mike, a photojournalist, said he plans to apply for the visa and move to Leeds with his wife and young daughter in April.
His motivation to leave Hong Kong came after the city’s political situation deteriorated following the anti-government protests and he realized that the city’s police force was not politically neutral. The police have been criticized by pro-democracy supporters for brutality and the use of excessive violence.
Mike said moving to Britain was important as he believed the education system in Hong Kong will be affected by the political situation and it will be better for his daughter to study in the UK.
Mike agreed to speak on the condition that he only be identified by his first name out of fear of official retaliation.
The new visa mean there are no language or education qualification requirements to enter the UK.
British National Overseas passport holders need to prove that they have enough money to support themselves for six months and prove that they are clear of tuberculosis, according to the UK government.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week the visa offer shows Britain is honouring its “profound ties of history” with Hong Kong, which was handed over to China on the understanding that it would retain its Western-style freedoms and much of its political autonomy not seen on mainland China.
Beijing said Friday it will no longer recognize the British National Overseas passport as a travel document or form of identification, and criticized Britain’s citizenship offer as a move that “seriously infringed” on China’s sovereignty.
It was unclear what effect the announcement would have because many Hongkongers carry multiple passports.
Beijing drastically hardened its stance on Hong Kong after the 2019 protests turned violent and plunged the city into a months-long crisis.
Since the security law’s enactment, dozens of pro-democracy activists have been arrested, and the movement’s young leaders have either been jailed or fled abroad.

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