মুসলিম মেলায় বিশ্বের মুসল্লীরা Muslim Ummah of North America-MUNA আমেরিকার বাংলাদেশীদের আয়োজনে

Описание к видео মুসলিম মেলায় বিশ্বের মুসল্লীরা Muslim Ummah of North America-MUNA আমেরিকার বাংলাদেশীদের আয়োজনে

মুসলিম মেলায় বিশ্বের মুসল্লীরা Muslim Ummah of North America-MUNA

7226 Roovelt Avenew New York
  / mctv.us.ny  
   / @mctvus  
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Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA) is a faith based religious and social organization, established in 1990 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Over the past three decades, MUNA has expanded its’ activities across the United States. MUNA offers unique programs and services that seek to improve the individual, family and the greater society by imparting Islamic knowledge, promoting social service, engaging in community activism, and much more. Over the years, MUNA has evolved into a nationally recognized grassroots organization. The organization is empowered by a unique emphasis focused on personal development of individuals through a comprehensive Islamic education and active involvement in communities across the country by providing opportunities for social service, interfaith initiatives, youth programs, and community development. By cooperating and collaborating with other organizations, MUNA strives to maintain harmonious relationship with various organizations, religious and ethnic communities and neighbors across the USA. Muna Convention is one of the biggest Muslim Convention in North America. last convention was held at Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1011 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19107. Theme was Islam: The Balanced way of life. If you want to register, please do so by visiting https://munaconvention.com/ We ask Allah (SWT) to bless your efforts and reward you and your family in this life and in the hereafter. Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA) is a non-profit faith-based and social organization


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