[SEJONG SOLOISTS] 2021 Hic et Nunc! - Stephen Kim Violin Recital - Spiritual Reflections

Описание к видео [SEJONG SOLOISTS] 2021 Hic et Nunc! - Stephen Kim Violin Recital - Spiritual Reflections

August 2021, Seoul Arts Center
2021 Hic et Nunc! - Stephen Kim Violin Recital - Spiritual Reflections

Stephen Kim, violin
Youngsung Park, piano

For more information:
(USA): http://www.sejongsoloists.org
Facebook:   / sejongsoloistsnewyork  
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sejongsoloists.nyc/

(Korea): https://www.sejongsoloists.or.kr/
Facebook:   / sejong.soloists.1994  
Instagram:   / sejong_soloists  

H. Biber - Passacaglia in G minor for Solo Violin from the Rosary Sonatas “Feast of the Guardian Angels”
Shinuh Lee - Sonata No. 2 for Violin and Piano, “Till Dawn” ( World Premiere )
E. Ysaÿe - Sonata No. 5 in G Major for Solo Violin, Op. 27
F. Schubert - Ellens dritter Gesang “Hymne an die Jungfrau” (“Ave Maria”), D. 839
Litanei auf das Fest Aller Seelen “Am Tage Aller Seelen”, D. 343
Fantasie in C Major for Violin and Piano, D. 934


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