CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 Pobrecitos+Pedro vs GZ (Round 2)

Описание к видео CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 Pobrecitos+Pedro vs GZ (Round 2)

Ranked 4v4 Session of Pobrecitos+Pedro vs GZ (This was the 2nd and final war session of the day)

Pobrecitos: Me, Bomber, Juan, and Pedro


GZ: oVo, Archer, Diego, and Cranky

10 Tracks 5 Laps Each

Tracks Played:
Megamix Mania
Koala Carnival
Slide Coliseum
Prehistoric Playground
Tiny Arena
Mystery Caves
Polar Pass
Barin Ruins
Clockwork Wumpa
Blizzard Bluff
Enjoy -- Watch live at   / drewind_  


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