Rosaria Butterfield -- "Sexual Identity and Union with Christ"

Описание к видео Rosaria Butterfield -- "Sexual Identity and Union with Christ"

Rosaria Butterfield speaks on "Sexual Identity and Union with Christ" at Geneva College on April 21, 2016 as part of the Geneva Visiting Artist and Lecture Series.

Butterfield was once a tenured professor of English who identified as a lesbian and worked to advance the cause of LGBT equality. After her conversion to Christ in 1999, she came to see the sinfulness of having any identity apart from Him.

Butterfield is married to Kent Butterfield, pastor of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Durham, and is a home-school mother, pastor's wife, author and speaker. She is helping Christians to better understand their LGBT neighbors and loved ones so that we can lovingly look past labels of sexual identity and share the gospel effectively.


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