New high school mentorship program helping teens succeed

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Mentorship improves graduate rates and bridges the gaps in achievement among racial groups, and a new program in Mableton is doing just that.

"Project Adjusting Our Crowns" mentoring program started at Pebblebrook High School last year, with the goal of fostering one-to-one supportive relationships with students and mentors.

The founder of the organization, Jessica Wade, felt the need to give back to her Alma Matter by creating a program that targets minority "at risk" girls.

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"We talk about our fears," Wade told FOX 5. "We talk about who we want to become. We talk about that we may not always be perfect!"

Along with weekly meetings at the high school, the group organizes college tours. Earlier this month, Wade took a group of 50 girls to visit Clark Atlanta University.

"I always wanted to come here, but I never had a chance to do a college tour," sophomore Jordan Williams told FOX 5.

Williams is now eager to learn what it takes to become a colleges student. Lucky for her, she has a big sister with the "Project Adjusting Our Crowns" group.

"They are giving us insight on their career and how they do it," Williams told FOX 5.

"Project Adjusting Our Crowns" Mentoring Program is looking to expand to other schools in Cobb County. Right now, the group is serving about 50 students at Pebblebrook High School.

For more information on the program, or to participate as a mentor click here.


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