Maria's dance, Metropolis (1927) - Music: Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie

Описание к видео Maria's dance, Metropolis (1927) - Music: Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie Armageddon MUD (not official account, but go visit them!) forum video

♫ Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie

I saw a video like this on youtube with the same song that i had never heard before but can't find it, not even the old address to look up on Wayback Machine - Youtube stuff often vanishes after a few years because it's all linked to if someone closes their account it's all gone - For anything important should always use

Metropolis, a novel by Thea von Harbou, appeared in the publication
Illustriertes Blatt Frankfurt, and in book form from August Scherl Verlag G.m.b.H.

Direction: Fritz Lang.
Scenario [Screenplay]: Thea von Harbou.
Production Design: Otto Hunte, Erich Kettelhut, Karl Vollbrecht.
At the Camera [Director of photography]: Karl Freund, Günther Rittau.
Sculptor: Walter Schultze-Mittendorf.
Intern — Slatan Dudow

Assistant camera: Robert Baberske, Günther Anders, H. O. Schulze
Optical effects: Eugen Schüfftan (Schüfftan process), Ernst Kunstmann
Optical effects camera: Helmar Lerski (Schüfftan-Fotografie), Konstantin Tschet (Modellaufnahmen)
Still photography: Horst von Harbou
Camera (other): Erich Kettelhut (Painting tricks & technical advice)
Costume design: Änne Willkomm

The personages in the film:
Joh Fredersen [master of Metropolis] — Alfred Abel
Freder, Joh Fredersen's son — Gustav Fröhlich
Rotwang, the inventor — Rudolf Klein-Rogge
The Thin Man/Monk [Joh's spy] — Fritz Rasp
Josaphat — Theodor Loos
11811/Georgy — Erwin Biswanger
Grot, the guardian of the Heart-Machine — Heinrich George
The Creative Man [who conceives Babel] — Fritz Alberti

Death — ?
The Seven Deadly Sins — ?
The Machine-Man, Maria — Brigitte Helm
Master of Ceremonies in the Pleasure Gardens — Heinrich Gotho
Jan — Olaf Storm
Marinus — Hanns Leo Reich
Lady in the Car / Woman of the Eternal Gardens — Margarete Lanner
Woman of the Eternal Gardens — Beatrice Garga, Annie Hintze, Helen von Münchhofen, Hilde Woitscheff

Male workers — Max Dietze, Georg John, Walter Kühle, Arthur Reinhardt, Erwin Vater, Curt Siodmak
Female workers — Grete Berger, Olly Boeheim, Ellen Frey, Lisa Gray, Rosa Liechtenstein, Helene Weigel
? — Ilse Davidsohn

Carrier of incense burner — Brody
Son of the Eternal Gardens — Rolf von Goth

Original music set for the film was by Gottfried Huppertz (Kinomusik 1927) and Giorgio Moroder (1984).

This film was produced by UFA and distributed by Parufamet.

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