Chroma Console: Mangled Digitakt Drum Loop

Описание к видео Chroma Console: Mangled Digitakt Drum Loop

Chroma Console allows you mangle even the simplest drum beats on the fly.

Sweeten (which is the only effect you hear when the Mix knob is turned up) adds pretty heavy and compression and saturation out of the gate. All the other effects Modules are controlled using Dual Bypass, so you can bring all the crazier stuff in and out.

We made heavy use of Gesture recording on this one - first, just bringing in the granular delay sounds of Collage, which will stay in sync via MIDI. Then, we automated the mix of the Pitch effect, which periodically brings in octave up sounds. The Interference effect brings some additional chaos and glitch to the table.

We had the Modules routed so that all of those effects smash into Sweeten, always present and crunchy in the mix.

#chromaconsole #hologramelectronics #digitakt #newpedal #effectspedals #shorts


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