WoW Patch 8.0 Survival Guide

Описание к видео WoW Patch 8.0 Survival Guide

Patch 8.0 is looming. Are you ready? Here's a quick preview/guide on its major features.

Official patch notes:

All honor rewards:

Things to do before 8.0/BfA:    • 19 Things to do Before BfA/Patch 8.0  

If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer as many as I can.

Music from

Battle for Azeroth Title "Before the Storm":    • World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth...  
Cataclysm Stormwind Theme:    • Cataclysm SoundTrack - Stormwind  
Cataclysm Defenders of Azeroth:    • Видео  
Legion Anduin's Theme:    • World of Warcraft: Legion - Anduins T...  
Last Stand of the Blood Elves:    • WoW The Burning Crusade - Last Stand ...  

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