Lloydpans vs Detroit Style Pizza Co Detroit - Which Pans Are Better?

Описание к видео Lloydpans vs Detroit Style Pizza Co Detroit - Which Pans Are Better?

Making Detroit Style Pizza at home is very popular these days, and one important part of making DSP is to start with a great pizza pan. There are 2 major DSP pans - Detroit Style Pizza Co. and Lloydpans who make 10" x 14" and 8" x 10" pans. Both pans are high quality and look similar, but perform differently. There are some important factors to consider before investing in your first Detroit Style Pizza Pan. I walk you through all of those factors in this video.
Lloypans DSP Pan Link: https://amzn.to/3tUZiJA
Lloydpans DSP Lid Link: https://amzn.to/3tTqZ5o
Detroit Style Pizza Co Pan Link: https://detroitstylepizza.com/
Detroit Style Pizza Co Lid Link: https://amzn.to/3uJIVi5


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