Breakfast with Peter Sagan - Sunroot

Описание к видео Breakfast with Peter Sagan - Sunroot

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Topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus L.) is known for more than 3000 years. It originally came form North America and got its name after indian tribe Topinambus.

Topinambur fascinates people by its unique power – it can survive in the soil where other plants die, does not carry any heavy metals, radioactive substances or other harmful pollutants. Topinambur harvest is also considerably larger in comparison with other crop plants. Topinambur is mainly utilized in prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Topinambur roots contain natural polysaccharine inulin (cca 16%) that helps to eliminate a large amount of toxic substances and other waste matters from human organism. Inulin quickly changes to monosaccharide – fructose – in human organism. Topinambur is therefore suitable for all active people, sportsmen, people suffering from diabetes or obesity.

Topinambur health benefits

natural anti-oxidant
increases immunity and vitality of organism
boosts body with energy
detoxifies the body
improves metabolism
supports digestion
acts as an effective prebiotics
low glycemic index
suitable for diabetics


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