LIGHTSUM Huiyeon & Jian, an infuriating update for the fans about the 2 youngest members

Описание к видео LIGHTSUM Huiyeon & Jian, an infuriating update for the fans about the 2 youngest members

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큐브엔터테인먼트에서 지난 주 갑작스러운 공지가 올라왔습니다.
CUBE Entertainment released an unexpected notice last week.

라잇썸의 귀여운 막내 라인인 휘연과 지안의 탈퇴 공지였는데요.
They announced that Huiyeon and Jian, the cute maknae liners of LIGHTSUM, will be leaving the group.

어떠한 설명도 없이 앞으로 6인 체제가 된다는 소식에 많은 팬들이 당황해했었죠.
Without any explanation, CUBE simply announced that LIGHTSUM will turn into a 6-member group, and many fans were confused.

갑자기 탈퇴를 당해버린 것 같은 두 멤버 휘연과 지안이
While it seems that Huiyeon and Jian were suddenly both kicked out of LIGHTSUM,

어떤 멤버들이었는지,
let's find out what kinds of members they were,

그리고 왜 탈퇴를 당한 것 같다고 말이 나오는지 함께 알아볼까요?
and why people are speculating that they were kicked out of LIGHTSUM!

#탈퇴 #라잇썸 #lightsum

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