DMCA Takedown Crashcourse for Creators

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As a creator, copyright protection is crucial. Learn the DMCA takedown process, how to file a takedown request, respond to a counternotification, and take legal action in federal court to protect your content. Don't let anyone steal your hard work!

Other video resources:

1. Fair Use Tips for YouTube creators:    • Youtube Fair Use Tips by Attorney Steve  

2. 17 U.S.C. 512(f) claims (bad faith takedown or counternotice):    • DMCA Copyright Law - Essentials you n...  

3. CMI - 17 U.S.C. 1202 claims (removal or false copyright management information):    • DMCA section 1202 copyright claim req...  

4. Etsy copyright and trademark disputes:    • Etsy DMCA copyright legal issues  


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