Гнев Махана работой Мирзы Али и его второй жены. очень жесткая месть

Описание к видео Гнев Махана работой Мирзы Али и его второй жены. очень жесткая месть

Mahan's anger towards his father Mirza Ali and his second wife stems from a deep sense of betrayal and hurt. He may feel that his father prioritized his new wife over his own son, neglecting or mistreating Mahan in the process. This perceived abandonment and lack of support from his father can lead Mahan to harbor feelings of resentment and anger towards both Mirza Ali and his new wife. Additionally, Mahan may feel a sense of injustice and a desire for revenge, wanting to make them pay for the pain they have caused him. This intense emotional response can drive Mahan to act out in destructive ways in order to seek retribution for the perceived wrongs committed against him.



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