ANATOMY OF Testis and Epididymis

Описание к видео ANATOMY OF Testis and Epididymis

Testis and Epididymis

The testes (testicles) are male reproductive glands found in a saccular extension of the anterior abdominal wall called the scrotum. They are in ovoid shape, sized four to six centimeters in length. Testes develop retroperitoneally on the posterior abdominal wall and descend to scrotum before birth. The scrotum is often asymmetric, with one testis extending further down than the other. After their descent, the testes remain connected with the abdomen by spermatic cords, and attached to the scrotum by the testicular ligament.

External Features: The testis presents the following external features:

2 Poles- upper and lower.

2 edges- anterior and posterior.

2 surfaces-medial and lateral.

Both the upper and lower Poles are convex and smooth. The upper post gives connection to the spermatic cord. The anterior border is rounded and totally covered by the tunica vaginalis. The posterior border is straight and covered only partially by the tunica vaginalis. It gives connection to the epididymis. On the lateral aspect the epididymis is divided from the testis by the expansion of the cavity of tunica vaginalis termed sinus of the epididymis.

Both the medial and lateral surfaces are smooth and somewhat convex.

A small oval body is frequently seen connected to the upper pole of the testis. It's termed appendix of the testis and symbolizes the remnant of the paramesonephric duct.


3 jackets cover the testis. From superficial to deep these are:

Tunica vaginalis.

Tunica albuginea.

Tunica vasculosa.

Tunica Vaginalis.

It's a serous sac representing the constant lower portion of the processus vaginalis. It's invaginated by the testis from behind. Consequently, it presents parietal and visceral layers using a potential cavity between them. Therefore, the tunica vaginalis fully encloses the testes on the front and sides.

#testis #anatomy


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