Gen 2 Prius P0AA6 battery leak confirmation

Описание к видео Gen 2 Prius P0AA6 battery leak confirmation

P0AA6 code indicates high voltage path to ground where there shouldn't be voltage. A P0AA6 code DISABLES the car and prevents startup.

P0AA6 HV leak can be from HV battery, transaxle, HV harness, A/C compressor and inverter.

For P0AA6 w/o detail codes, this quick check can help you confirm the battery is leaking.
Set voltmeter to 200VDC or higher or AUTO depending on your unit (this is an auto-ranging multimeter in the video).

If it HOLDS voltage, you have a leak. If it bleeds down to below 1V and bounces around, you likely have no leak.

There is ONE exception. If one of the modules at the safety plug connection is the leaker, then this test won't work... but it has a 27 out of 28 chance of working... :)


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