⚡Pedicure tutorial: ONYCHOLYSIS of the NAILS😱Onycholysis cleanup Yellows nails! Acid primer

Описание к видео ⚡Pedicure tutorial: ONYCHOLYSIS of the NAILS😱Onycholysis cleanup Yellows nails! Acid primer

Today we will make a video on the topic onycholysis of the nails.
Сlients often have onycholysis of fingernails.
The problem of nail exfoliation is also common. Subscribe to our channel and watch the video on how to get rid of this problem.

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Acid primer is a channel about how to do a manicure not only qualitatively, but also quickly. We hope that the videos of the channel will be useful not only for specialists, but also for everyone who is interested in manicure.

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