Tesla Coil Transmitter for the 40m Amateur Band

Описание к видео Tesla Coil Transmitter for the 40m Amateur Band

How well do we understand the generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves? Current mainstream theory seems to cover things quite well but there are still anomalies worth exploring. Nikola Tesla’s work described another genre of wave propagation which can be best described as longitudinal waves rather than our familiar transverse waves. If indeed they do exist, and there is considerable evidence that they do, they are largely ignored or dismissed by popular physics.

This simple experiment with a Tesla coil was inspired by Eric Dollard (https://ericpdollard.com), Adrian Marsh PhD (https://www.am-innovations.com), Griffin Brock (https://griffingbrock.com/), and others. I was trying to replicate their results using a Tesla coil coupled to ground, and whether the ground itself contributes to propagation through telluric currents. As with all scientific endeavours, experimentation may create more questions than answers, and solid conclusions are elusive. However, the results given in this video are encouraging enough for further investigation.


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