hannah + zach | carry you home

Описание к видео hannah + zach | carry you home

feedback is appreciated :) so am i gonna get shit for vidding these two together…probably. do i care…nope xD

i do plan to make a lot more for 13 reasons why, including one on hannah herself and then her with clay (cause i love them), but i felt really inspired to vid these two first instead.

i don’t care whether you like zach or not, but out of all the characters depicted as assholes, i believe he was one of the few who genuinely felt bad for what he did to hannah. it’s clear he had a good heart deep down, but was just friends with the wrong sort of people and didn’t know to handle things well. the guy was lonely and reached out to hannah with good intentions, got rejected and unfortunately lashed out because of it. i do think it had a lot to do with his own insecurities that he handled it so bad and not because he’s just an “asshole”. what he did was unfair, but i think out of all the characters on the tapes (not including clay of course), i felt he was the only one were things could’ve gone down a lot differently. had what he did to hannah come first before any of the other shit, i believe she would’ve been able to forgive him, but unfortunately she was too hurt by this point :(

i felt there was a lot of potential with these two. whether it lead to anything romantic or not, had hannah not been through so much and become unable to trust zach, at least a beautiful friendship could’ve developed between these two. and i’ll forever be bitter about it.

urghh if only hannah had chosen zach at the beginning instead of justin :((((((

colouring: autumnfantasy


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