Uncovering the Hidden Power of Values with Dr John Demartini

Описание к видео Uncovering the Hidden Power of Values with Dr John Demartini

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About This Video:
Values are the most important factor in human behavior. Dr John Demartini discusses how you can use the incredible value of values to create an extraordinary life. Your values, or what is most valuable to you, are the result of your perceived voids. You have a hierarchy of values, from least important to most important. What’s highest on your values has an impact on every aspect of your life, it’s where your greatest genius, innovation, leadership, focus, drive, fulfillment emerges.

Prefer to read the article? Visit: https://demartini.ink/3POZm5r

00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Most people don't know what their values are
04:24 - Why are values significant?
07:19 - Injecting and projecting of values
12:00 - What are values and where do they come from?
18:43 - Values and the 7 areas of life
22:11 - ALL values serve
23:51 - The core essence of your existence
29:15 - Claim Your Free Gift: Awaken Your Astronomical Vision

About Dr John Demartini:
Dr. John Demartini is a human behavior specialist, a polymath, philosopher, international speaker and best-selling author. He has recently been awarded the IAOTP Top Human Behavior Specialist of the Year as well as the IAOTP Lifetime Achievement Award.

His work is a summation of over 299 different disciplines synthesized from the greatest minds in most fields of study today. His extensive curriculum focuses on helping purpose driven individuals master their lives so that they’re able to more extensively serve humanity with their inspired vision and mission.

#lifevalues #vision #mission


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