Gushing Over Magical Girls OST 53 - "I'm Feeling Funny" [Disc 2, Track 24]

Описание к видео Gushing Over Magical Girls OST 53 - "I'm Feeling Funny" [Disc 2, Track 24]

Song title taken directly from the Wiki translation.

Original name: 変な気持ちになっちゃう
Composer: Johannes Nilsson

This track plays during the following episodes:

Episode 1, when the plant monster toys with Tres Magia
Episode 2, when Magia Baiser begins to touch Magia Azure's body, and later when she strips Magia Sulfur's chest bare
Episode 3, when Magia Azure gets tied up by the plant
Episode 4, at the very beginning
Episode 8, when Utena gets mad at Venalita for withholding critical information
Episode 10, when Loco Musica and Leberblume enter The Room You Can't Leave Until You Satisfy Magia Baiser
Episode 11, when Magia Baiser sees Lord Enorme as nothing but a bratty kid
Episode 12, when Utena begins to "massage" Magia Azure's buttocks
Episode 13, when Magia Azure's inner thoughts are shown


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