Practical Kata Bunkai: Basic Arm-Lock Flow Drill

Описание к видео Practical Kata Bunkai: Basic Arm-Lock Flow Drill

This eleven minute video was filmed at a weekend seminar in Stuttgart, Germany in June 2013. It looks at some basic arm-locks -- all of which can be found in the karate kata -- and how one can flow to the next should the technique be effectively resisted. The locks are applied with a view to facilitating the delivery of strikes (always the primary method) or putting the enemy on the floor.

Viewers should remember that this is a short clip from a full weekend of training. It cannot show all that was covered nor how the drill shown fits within the total methodology. The context for the practical use of the techniques shown, and the inherent problems associated with the application of certain types of lock, had already been covered. In particular, it should be noted at wristlocks can be difficult to apply due to the small motions required for their application. This does not mean such techniques should not be practised, just that their limitations be acknowledged.

Regular viewers may remember that in June 2011 I accidentally struck my uke (Nicolas Hofele) harder than intended while demonstrating a sequence from Jion, unfortunately my control is only marginally better this time around ... hence the "I did it again!!" remark. Sorry Nick!

Thanks to everyone for their support of these videos! If you like them, please support us by checking out the professionally filmed and edited DVDs available via the website.

All the best,



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