An incredible journey begins 長極輪首航紀實(5分鐘版) / Ever Max's Maiden Voyage Documentary (5-minute version)

Описание к видео An incredible journey begins 長極輪首航紀實(5分鐘版) / Ever Max's Maiden Voyage Documentary (5-minute version)

Ever Max長極輪為長榮海運第一艘15,000 TEU級M型貨櫃輪,於2023年6月26日首航亞洲-美國東岸(AUE)航線,首航紀實影片在長榮交響樂團所演奏的貝多芬《第七號交響曲》第一樂章的昂揚輕快樂聲中,帶出長極輪的首航風采、沿途海陸風光,以及難得入鏡的船員生活和舒適的休憩空間。


Ever Max, the first 15,000 TEU class M-type containership owned by Evergreen Marine Corporation (EMC), embarked on its maiden voyage on the Asia-U.S. East Coast service on June 26, 2023. The documentary film capturing this historic journey showcases the spirited and lively performance of the first movement of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony by the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. Through its captivating visuals, the film not only reveals the grandeur of Ever Max's maiden voyage and the breathtaking sea and landscapes along the route, but also offers a rare glimpse into the lives of the crew and their comfortable living quarters.

With a commitment to aligning our core operations strategies with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, we continue to replace our fleet by investing in high-efficiency, energy-saving green container ships. The new M-type ships incorporate an environmentally friendly design with a wide array of technologically advanced features to achieve such efficiency in compliance with the new regulations advocated by the International Maritime Organization. This investment further propels EMC’s progress towards net-zero emissions while actively contributing to environmental sustainability.



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