How good is your English? Quiz 4.

Описание к видео How good is your English? Quiz 4.

This English quiz is about mistakes English learners often make.

We’ll ask you to identify 6 common English mistakes and choose your answer before the clock stops ticking.

Then we'll explain what's wrong and show you examples of the correct English in action. We'll also direct you to videos if you want more help with grammar and vocabulary.

In this video we look at:
affect vs. effect
by vs. until
how to say someone's age
raise vs. rise
when we use the verb 'suggest'
structures we use (and don't use) with suggest

If you'd like to see more examples, here are links to more videos:
by and until:    • By, Until and Till - Fix your English...  
when it's not polite to ask someone's age:    • 5 things you shouldn't say in English...  
raise and rise:    • Raise and Rise - Transitive and Intra...  
how to use the verb suggest:    • Suggest - how to use this verb correc...  

And to see all the videos in this series, click here for the playlist:    • Test your English  

Make sure you subscribe to this YouTube channel.

Facebook Page:   / simpleenglishvideos  
Twitter: @vickivideos

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Visit our website to see our videos with transcripts and much more:
There you can get email updates on new videos and live classes and also download a free copy of 'Fix It', a checklist for correcting common English mistakes

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Rachel and Jennifer for appearing in this video. Make sure you follow them too!

Rachel's English
YouTube channel:    / rachelsenglish  
Facebook Page:   / rachelsenglish.pronunciation  
Twitter:   / rachels_english  
Mailing List Sign up:

English With Jennifer
YouTube:    / jenniferesl  
Facebook:   / englishwithjenniferlebedev  
Twitter:   / jlebedev_esl  
Blog for teachers: https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress...


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