Day 1 of the Illuminating the Sacred Path: 5 Day Candle Magic Challenge

Описание к видео Day 1 of the Illuminating the Sacred Path: 5 Day Candle Magic Challenge

Welcome, magical souls, to Day 1 of the Illuminating the Sacred Path 5-Day Candle Magic Challenge, leading up to the Mabon-Fall Equinox Ceremony! Over the next five days, we will dive deep into Ancient Magic, Dragon Magic, and prepare for the powerful energies of Mabon. Each day builds upon the themes of balance, abundance, gratitude, and transformation as we align with the energy of the Fall Equinox.

Today, we’re focusing on Igniting Courage and Motivation with Fire Dragon Magic. Through this practice, we will harness the Fire Dragon’s energy to overcome challenges and release what no longer serves us, clearing the way for transformation.

Steps for Day 1:
1. Set Your Intention: Identify a challenge or habit you want to release before Mabon to create space for the new season.
2. Choose a Candle: Light a red, white, or available candle to symbolize igniting your inner fire.
3. Call on Your Fire Dragon: Invoke the Fire Dragon to burn away fear and resistance, using its flames to clear out stagnant energy in your life.
4. Meditate: Visualize the Fire Dragon cleansing you and removing obstacles blocking your harvest.
5. Mabon Reflection Prompt: What old patterns or blocks am I ready to release before Mabon? How does the Fire Dragon help clear space for the harvest?

Let the Fire Dragon guide you in shedding old energies and igniting your courage for the season ahead!

🌟 Ready to ignite transformation and embrace the powerful energies of the Fall Equinox? Join High Priestess Athena's Mabon-Fall Equinox Ritual this Saturday for just $66! Secure your spot and embark on this sacred journey:

✨🍂 How are you planning to honor this special time? Share your thoughts or questions in the comments!


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