Suicide Squad | Floyd Lawton / Deadshot - Self Tape Audition By Mabamukulu

Описание к видео Suicide Squad | Floyd Lawton / Deadshot - Self Tape Audition By Mabamukulu

Hello There,

My name is Mabamukulu and I’m a self represented actor from the UK 🇬🇧

I studied and used this film as a basis to showcase my talent. Hopefully, this video lands on the right person browser and they’re able to recognise my talent!

If you believe I have to potential to be a great actor on screen, please help make my dream come a reality by liking, sharing and commenting on this video! I would really appreciate it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. May you have a blessed rest of the day! 🖤

Self Tape Audition: Suicide Squad | Role: Floyd Lawton / Deadshot


I improvised on the script for this one, to give it more of that Mabamukulu vibe! 😁✨


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