ASK A BLACK DUDE pt 1 - Stan Evans & Lesley Murphy talk racism in America. SOCIAL STUDIES SHOW EP 6

Описание к видео ASK A BLACK DUDE pt 1 - Stan Evans & Lesley Murphy talk racism in America. SOCIAL STUDIES SHOW EP 6

Over the past week I’ve had more phone calls, emails, texts, and DMs from friends, acquaintances and colleagues, than ever before in my life….

The overwhelming theme of these conversations was the difficulty of white America to understand the depth and severity of Racism.

This is nothing new to me, as I have dealt with it my whole life. However, for certain people it’s as if the curtain has been pulled back to reveal a monster they never knew was there, or were simply willing to ignore.

This week on the Social Studies Show I had actually planned to interview Lesley Murphy, a travel blogger in the health and wellness field, to discuss influencer marketing and her life after “The Bachelor”.

But in the light of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor’s deaths,
we realized we had more important things to discuss in this pivotal moment.

Together we had an opportunity to reach a larger audience and share some of my experiences as a black man in America…

Roles were reversed and Lesley asked me the questions.

The answers are my own personal views…


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