Rolling Technique for the Calves

Описание к видео Rolling Technique for the Calves

How to most effectively apply self-myofascial release to the calves:
Sit on the ground with leg placed on top of roller approximately a third of the way up from the ankle (where the calf muscle begins). Roll up the leg 2 inches, then back down 1 inch. Again, roll up the leg 2 inches, then back down 1 inch. Hold that position and go back and forth a couple of times in each direction to massage the tissue. Hold that position again and slowly bring your toes up toward your shin twice, flexing the ankle (you’ll actually feel the fascia stretching out, and it will likely be painful – but remember to breathe). Repeat that sequence, working your way all the way up the leg.
* Be sure to rotate your foot in and out to release the medial and lateral aspect of the calf.
* To increase the pressure on the calf, place your other leg on top of your shin throughout the sequence.
* Don’t forget to breathe! It is crucial to connect the breath to each movement and focus on complete inhales and exhales to maximize the effects of self-myofascial release.


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