Cry Wastes Time: Episode 2

Описание к видео Cry Wastes Time: Episode 2

Tomorrow's Walking Dead. You know what that means? That means I'm going to be all. Over. That. Beast. Also because Walking Dead is out on PSN, that means some people already probably have beaten it, and thus know the ending. And also thus have the ability to spoil things. So because of that I'm not going to read any of the comments until I personally beat the game, I just don't want to risk spoiling the story for myself, it's the finale after all!

Luckily I'm the type who sits down and beats that cat in one sitting, so it'll only probably be a day of no comment reading. But I still have to cover my bases, y'know? You know.

Anyway yeah! I haven't done a Wastes Time since friggin' June, so this was a nice change of pace. Scribblenauts is quite decidedly enjoyable as well, so I had a good time all around. Who knew you could waste time outside of Garry's Mod Dark RP and BF3? I didn't!

Also no I'm not going to put up Lucius today when I'd only drop it for a few more days while I marathon Walking Dead. That'd just be mean. So I'm waiting until after Walking Dead to tackle that. (I also haven't finished the game yet so I can't do it all in one video like I wanted yet anyway! So. Yeah!)

Music by Savant - ISM :   / aleksander-vinter  


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