Indirect Cost Rates & The Safe Harbor Program

Описание к видео Indirect Cost Rates & The Safe Harbor Program

This workshop is a part of our workshop series "Preparing for Public Projects w/The Interstate Bridge" and will focus on all things you need to know about indirect cost rates and the safe harbor program.

You will learn:

- In-depth Safe Harbor Training
- How to ensure FAR part 31 compliance
- Documentations needed for Safe Harbor graduation
- What to expect after graduating from the Safe Harbor program
- How to develop and maintain indirect cost rates

Primary Presenters:

Lamin Ceesay WSDOT Safe Harbor Program Audit Specialist

Diana Strassmeier, CPA, CCIFP—Aldrich CPAs + Advisors LLP

Brought to you by: Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC), WA APEX Accelerator Advising, and the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (IBR)


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