20 Signs Angels Are With You; The Angelic Realm, Miracles and YOU 🌟🌈💗

Описание к видео 20 Signs Angels Are With You; The Angelic Realm, Miracles and YOU 🌟🌈💗

HOW MANY SIGNS DID YOU GET? COMMENT Below. Here are 20 signs Angels are with you and with the angelic realm comes miracles for you. The angels are consciousness or frequency that remind us that we are aligned with Source, Spirit or God and that when we connect with these beings we raise our frequencies, open the heart and open to miracles. Besides Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Metatron (and others) we have our guardian angels and angels connected with the different archangelic and natural forces. Invoke the angels by aligning your frequency with theirs and feel love expanding from the heart center and stay present and simply open and invite them in....and trust

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