Creating a new generation of youth super heroes | PHILIP ZIMBARDO | TEDxRoma

Описание к видео Creating a new generation of youth super heroes | PHILIP ZIMBARDO | TEDxRoma

Philip Zimbardo is one of the greatest living psychologists. His "Stanford Prison Experiment"; has marked the history of psychology,demonstrating how the social context can influence the choices of individuals and groups in terms of good and bad. After years of this experiment and in an
increasingly complex sociopolitical situation, Zimbardo's prospect overturned.
With the Heroic Imagination Project, the goal is to create a new generation of every day superheroes ,capable of carrying out small social-centric gestures that inspire others to do good.

Zimbardo è uno dei più importanti psicologi viventi. E’ stato Presidente della American Psychological Association e ha scritto più di 50 libri e 400 articoli, principalmente incentrati su prospettiva temporale, timidezza, terrorismo, pazzia, cattiveria. Zimbardo lavora attivamente per l’Heroic Imagination Project, non-profit incentrata sulla psicologia dell’eroismo: “Cosa porta alcune persone a perpetrare costantemente il male” si chiede “mentre altre agiscono eroicamente in difesa dei bisognosi?”
Zimbardo is one of the most important living psychologists. He was President of the American Psychological Association and has written more than 50 books and 400 articles, mainly focused on temporal perspective, shyness, terror, madness, badness. Zimbardo actively works for the Heroic Imagination Project, a nonprofit focused on the psychology of heroism: "What leads some people to constantly perpetrating evil" asks "while others act heroically in defense of the needy?"

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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