
Описание к видео Run

For the last 5 years, Wiley Miller has dreamed of skiing the perfect line in the Beartooth Mountains. For years, it alluded him due to a lack of snow, or deadly avalanche conditions.

In June of 2022, historic flooding from unprecedented snowmelt in the Beartooths devastated Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding communities.

Run is the story of the flood and line, and how water ties together our communities. From ranchers to skiers, Southwest Montana depends deeply on a balanced aquatic symbiosis that is ever-changing and volatile.

Starring: Wiley Miller, Cam Sholley, Mike Carter, Alex Marienthal

Directed By: Edward Clem

Principal Cinematography By: Edward Clem

Additional Cinematography By: Oliver Hamilton, Kyle Lieberman

FPV Cinematography: Patrick Conroy

Edited By: Sean O'Brien

Produced By: Wiley Miller and Edward Clem


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