Brothers - A tale of two sons OST

Описание к видео Brothers - A tale of two sons OST

I think Starbreeze Studios and Josef Fares did a rather good job with Brothers A tale of two sons (Don´t you think?). So Im going to pick up that game asap!

But at this very moment, Im enjoying Gustaf Grefbergs beautiful soundtrack for Brothers A tale of two sons =)

**I/we Own NOTHING of this. All rights go to their respective owners**

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Please buy The full soundtrack via bandcamp:
1.CS_01_Intro_01_Music_Music - 00:06
2.CS_03_1_Music - 01:58
3.CS_birdflight_music - 03:47
4.CS_endflight_music - 04:50
5.CS_endzoom_music - 05:56
6.CS_Epilogue_Elixir_Music - 07:04
7.CS_Epilogue_mother_music - 07:39
8.CS_Epilogue_swim_music - 08:26
9.CS_Epilogue_Tomb_Music - 08:56
10.CS_fishing_music - 12:42
11.CS_Showtower_mus - 14:20
12.CS_Trollboss_End_Music - 14:56
13.CS_Trollboss_Start_Music - 15:51
14.CS_Turtlerescue_Music - 16:41
15.CS_Wolfchase_Music - 17:06
16.CS_Wolves_Music - 17:25
17.CS_Yetibridge_Loop - 19:01
18.CS_Yetibridge_Music - 19:13
19.gam_ev_ch0202_lovebirds_mus - 19:51
20.gam_fol_hangman_musicbox_tune01_01 - 20:25
21.mus_burial_potion - 20:39
22.mus_burial_potionloop - 21:00
23.mus_burial_requiem - 21:40
24.mus_burial_tree - 24:09
25.mus_burial_treeclimb - 25:11
26.mus_demo_loop - 26:20
27.mus_demo_start - 27:20
28.mus_glider_brokencrash - 28:22
29.mus_glider_brokenloop - 28:45
30.mus_glider_brokenstart - 29:17
31.mus_glider_loop - 29:22
32.mus_glider_start - 30:26
33.mus_goatride_loop - 30:35
34.mus_goatride_start - 32:15
35.mus_goatride_stop - 32:20
36.mus_ice_boatride - 32:34
37.mus_ice_yeti - 35:11
38.mus_spiderboss_amb - 37:11
39.mus_spiderboss_death - 38:24
40.mus_spiderboss_entercave - 39:22
41.mus_spiderboss_loop_intense - 39:51
42.mus_spiderboss_loop_soft - 41:03
43.mus_spiderboss_transformation - 42:15
44.mus_thm_angel_01 - 42:48
45.mus_thm_angel_02 - 43:07
46.mus_thm_ch00_ambient - 43:20
47.mus_thm_ch00_father - 47:29
48.mus_thm_ch01_dogstinger - 51:35
49.mus_thm_ch01_woods_part01 - 52:07
50.mus_thm_drowning_dreamloop - 57:09
51.mus_thm_giants_amb - 59:16
52.mus_thm_gui - 01:01:56
53.mus_thm_mountains_ambient - 01:06:14
54.mus_thm_mountains_hangfail - 01:09:05
55.mus_thm_mountains_hangloop - 01:09:16
56.mus_thm_mountains_hangsuccess - 01:09:44
57.mus_thm_trollcave_amb - 01:10:00
58.mus_thm_trollcave_boss_loop - 01:13:40
59.mus_thm_trollcave_boss_softloop - 01:14:22
60.mus_thm_trollcave_boss_softstart - 01:15:10
61.mus_thm_trollcave_boss_start - 01:15:20
62.mus_thm_trollcave_bridge - 01:15:30
63.mus_thm_trollnice_amb - 01:15:44
64.mus_thm_trollnice_intro - 01:18:43
65.mus_thm_trollsave_tension - 01:19:28
66.mus_tribals_loop_chase_r01 - 01:20:29
67.mus_tribals_loop_pray_r01 - 01:20:45
68.mus_tribals_source_r01 - 01:21:01
69.mus_tribals_source_refl_r01 - 01:21:17
70.mus_tribals_stinger_chase_r01 - 01:21:33
71.mus_tribals_waterfalCS_r01 - 01:21:39
72.mus_wolves_ambientstinger - 01:21:51
73.mus_wolves_river_end - 01:22:38
74.mus_wolves_river_loop - 01:22:48
75.mus_wolves_river_loopsoft - 01:24:29
76.mus_wolves_river_start - 01:26:09
77.mus_wolves_ropestinger - 01:26:19


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