Featuring top 11 countries with highest high-speed railway speed limit in the world in 2016. Country with faster operating speed and earlier enforcement are placed higher.
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treinenspottersnederland, https://goo.gl/pAo3ZD
Dennis van den Berk, https://goo.gl/umuUoM
ericleeericlee, https://goo.gl/876Foj
wliomsky, https://goo.gl/BdBXJ2
V3K, https://goo.gl/UKnxHN
Arnol'd Charyyev, https://goo.gl/aCkm7A
cmn0train, https://goo.gl/PZIUPD
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, https://goo.gl/2rIrgS
La Passion Du Rail, https://goo.gl/veQD9v
Julio del Castillo Vivero, https://goo.gl/6EDMF9
Janna Travels, https://goo.gl/xls6YG
Greg Causey, https://vimeo.com/27419759
Iben Rodriguez, https://goo.gl/w127se
Einar Magnus Görgen, https://goo.gl/IgZawV
Borkland News, https://goo.gl/echqns
francis vlijter, https://goo.gl/Yrg3yj
Dynamic, https://goo.gl/Foqqkv , https://goo.gl/QPYhpc , https://goo.gl/6dJvBG
PJH Films from KOREA, https://goo.gl/4Z5ve1
by http://epsos.de, https://goo.gl/Ygge46
ASOLTEC, https://goo.gl/aefCg4
週に一度は撮り鉄を。 (Japanese trains!), https://goo.gl/dDD0GI
jchighspeedrail, https://goo.gl/biCAkJ , https://goo.gl/4rdTN2
ulaelable, https://goo.gl/dWZscD
Sylvain cheminot, https://goo.gl/m9bMXw
PRIMEREPORTERS, https://vimeo.com/22737409
Maggetti Productions, Inc., https://vimeo.com/147538829
doc7austin, https://goo.gl/WZBs2i
Russell Cameron, https://goo.gl/JKuQC4
антон хайров, https://goo.gl/Tv75Sj
Hikosaemon, https://goo.gl/TbmVmY
BarsMonster, https://goo.gl/T7Ensv
Ron Meerbeek, https://goo.gl/3tZco7
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