[SMM2 Team 0%] villa tortuga Feliz

Описание к видео [SMM2 Team 0%] villa tortuga Feliz

Course Code: 57B-XJ3-PTF

I think the title, which translates to "happy turtle Village" is a misnomer. A more accurate title would be "horrifying porcupuffer Hellscape"!

So I took this course from one of the maker focus groups... and generally when a maker gets on one of those, they tend to have a lot of painful courses no one wants to play. This is most certainly one of those!

What makes this course so notably painful is its approach to placing Porcupuffer. Already, that's a SCARY enemy to be facing with the insta-kill gulp... but this course LOVES to force you to damage boost so you can swim through small gaps, mainly to maximize the danger of Porcupuffers! This is a REALLY long course with 0 checkpoints too, making the many Porcupuffers even more devastating!

If you're unlucky enough to get this course in endless, and find this video.. I'm gonna describe my strategy for each "room" in this room right here, could help with the video too!

Main World Room 1: You don't actually have to ground pound the bricks, as there is a P-switch above the piranha creeper... I just did this because it saves time in a long course!

Main World Room 2: Here, I kill the hammer brothers since we need to make a trip back here, also make sure to remember that there's a mushroom in that first tree! You'll actually want to keep the Fire Bros alive, more on that in a moment.

When you get to the Pom Poms, don't scroll too much to the right: once you get a key, you need to head back to the key door, and scrolling too much to the right is going to spawn another Porcupuffer, that's never fun! MAKE SURE YOU ARE SMALL WHEN YOU ENTER THAT DOOR, THAT'S WHY I KEEP THE FIRE BROS!

Main World Room 3: This is why you want to be small: there are one tile high ceilings you have to swim under, and your only means of damage boosting in this room... is a Porcupuffer. I can not understate how unfun a forced damage boost rodeo with a Porcupuffer is! Once you get through, grab the fire flower and make sure you get to the room with it intact!

Main World Room 4: There's not a lot to this section beyond vrooooom. Again try to keep the Fire Flower though, you'll want it for the subworld.

Subworld Room 1: There's a Porcupuffer that you'll want to fry ASAP. Play things safe here: you want to keep the fire flower as long as possible, so fire at the flame bros, hammer bros, and piranhas from safe distances! Also if you end up becoming small: the first two pink coins seem to be intentional softlock potentials, so swim carefully!

MAKE SURE YOU DON'T KILL THE BIG KOOPA! I don't think its a softlock if you do, but you will have to go back to the mainworld to get the pink coin in the ice... which could easily ruin your run!

Once you go into the warp box, I like to save time by carrying a shell over to the hammer brother gap, launching it through that gap is a smoother way to get the coin! Once you get the key, you'll need to become small Mario to get through!

Subworld Room 2 & 3: Not a lot to these, you fry cheep cheeps and boom boom. Just make sure to keep that Fire Flower intact...

Subworld Room 4: Because this part is full of Porcupuff snipers! HOLD LEFT as soon as you enter, every time I swam I got my run ruined in one gulp! Take it carefully, and pay attention where that 3rd Porcupuffer spawns in the video, because that thing ruined my run several times! Unfortunately you'll also need to be small Mario to get out of here... I suggest leaving a pirhana creeper around rather than the risky damage boost I do (though if you wanna beat my record, more power to you!), but if you kill everything, that sledge bro can thankfully power you down with hammers through the wall. This takes up a lot of time though, in a course that really uses the full timer.

Subworld Room 5: This is a really intimidating room, but I would suggest not rushing it unless you're a speed runner: it's really easy to get Porcupuff sniped here, if you take it slow everything is pretty doable. The cannonbox will be your saving grace, but you'll want to be small Mario before you exit this room...

Subworld Room 6: Because OH GOD PORCUPUFF SWARM AT THE END! Seeing this in the level viewer is why I wanted to be small Mario, I don't want to increase my scrumptious hitbox for these hellspawns! It gives you more room to swim too, maximizing your escape chances. Make sure to shoot cannonballs too!

And with that, you're pretty much done with the course!

I gotta give this course credit, this is a highly sadistic course without relying on the usual lame tropes like pick a path or invisible blocks to screw you up. Instead, its strategic uses of damage boosting to maximize Porcupuffer danger and some nasty softlocks sprinkled in.

This maker really put in the effort to make this course painful... which I guess is why I didn't give it a boo! But I certainly don't want to play this course ever again... so speed runners, I can assure you I won't be challenging a record in this course LOL


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