'Legal' Vist to Petra in Jordan

Описание к видео 'Legal' Vist to Petra in Jordan

בגיל 72 שנים: קיום בפטרה עם בניי ואחייני | Legal' Vist to Petra in Jordan'
My 72-Year Dream Realized in Petra with My Sons and Nephews

At the age of 72, I finally fulfilled a dream shared by many of my generation and those before me in Israel: visiting the legendary Petra — the Red Rock of Jordan. After an exhilarating motorcycle trip through the Negev Desert, my two sons, three nephews, and I stood in awe at this ancient wonder.

Petra was more breathtaking and profound than I had ever imagined. Walking among the monumental structures, carved by nature and humans over 200,000 years ago, and sharing this moment with my family was a deeply moving experience. For generations, Petra symbolized a forbidden dream, a mythic place on the map of the Israeli imagination — beautiful, dangerous, and alluring.

In 1994, Petra finally opened legally to Israeli visitors. But growing up, many of us held onto the stories and the legendary Hebrew song that captured its beauty and peril. I’d like to share those lyrics with you now.

הסלע האדום ("The Red Rock")
מעבר להרים ולמדבר, אומרות האגדות, ישנו מקום, שאיש ממנו חי עוד לא חזר, והוא נקרא הסלע האדום.הו, הסלע - האדום - האדום.
שלשה יצאו לדרך עם שקיעה, מנגד להטו הרי אדום, חלום ישן, מפה ומימיה, לקחו הם אל הסלע האדום.הו, הסלע האדום - האדום.

English Translation:
Beyond the mountains and the desert,The legends say, there is a place,From which no one has ever returned alive,And it is called the Red Rock.Oh, the Red Rock — the Red Rock.
Three set out at sunset,Opposite them glowed the Edom mountains,An old dream, a map, and a canteen,They took to the Red Rock.Oh, the Red Rock — the Red Rock.

This song, filled with longing and adventure, perfectly captures the magic and danger Petra held for us as young Israelis. I hope this glimpse into my journey and our shared history inspires you.

#Petra #RedRock #TravelDreams #IsraelToJordan #FamilyAdventure #MotorcycleTrip #DesertExploration #HebrewSong #Heritage #OferZur


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