ANIMAL TRIVIA QUIZ #14 - 40 Animals Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers | Pub Quiz

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ANIMAL TRIVIA QUIZ - Animals Knowledge Trivia Questions and Answers Pub Quiz

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** Animal General Knowledge Pub Quiz Trivia Questions And Answers for kids:

1. True or false? Ostriches can run faster than horses!
True but only up to 30 minutes.

2. Which type of flavor(s) can a cat’s taste buds not detect?
Cats cannot taste sweet

3. Name the animal pictured below.

4. Why do Prairie dogs “kiss”?
They “kiss” or touch teeth to identify one another.

5. True or false? Lobsters do not age.
True! Lobsters do not age but eventually die when they fail to moult a new shell leaving them vulnerable to predators and disease.

6. Which is the only animal species whose male members give birth to young?

7. Which bird hides their eggs in the nests of other bird species?
Cuckoo birds. They want others to raise their offspring.

8. What do you call a group of whales?
Pod, school, gam, plump

9. Guess the animal by close up.

10. What protein are rhinoceros horns made of?
Keratin (same protein that makes up hair and fingernails)

11. Name the bird below. It can stay in the air for 10 months at a time without landing once!
Common swift

12. Guess the animal by close up!

13. What is the world’s deadliest animal that is responsible for the deaths of 725,000 people each year?
Disease-carrying mosquitos (i.e., malaria, dengue, yellow fever, etc.)

14. Who does most of the hunting for the pride? Lions or Lionesses?
Lionesses do ~90% of the hunting

15. What do darker spots mean on a giraffe?
They tend to be more dominant and solitary

16. What is a group of parrots called?
Pandemonium of parrots

17. True or false? Cats only meow at humans and never at other cats.
Mostly true. Kittens meow at their mother for food. Once older, cats only meow to get people’s attention.

18. What is special about the following sentence: “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.” ?
Uses every letter of the alphabet

19. True or false? Frogs can freeze without dying.
True! They can freeze and thaw repeatedly!

20. Which animal has a distinct cube-shaped poop?

21. Guess the animal pictured below! (It is said to be the only venomous primate)

22. Which country has more than half of the world’s pig population?
China (677.6 million pigs)

23. What kind of pattern helps reduce fly bites when painted on cows (according to Japanese researchers)?
Zebra-like stripes

24. Which human inhabited area on Earth is rat-free?
Alberta, Canada

25. What effect does slow music have on cows?
Reduces stress and helps them produce ~3% more milk

26. Name the animal. It squirts blood from its eyes to scare predators.

27. The housefly’s buzzing is said to match this key note.
F key

28. What do you call a group of otters?
Family, Raft, Romp, Lodge, Bevy

29. True or false? Only male mosquitos bite and drink blood from its prey.
False. Only female mosquitoes bite. The blood provides nutrients for their eggs.

30. Approximately how far can you (humans) smell a skunk’s spray (in miles or kilometres).
Up to 3.5 miles or 5.6km away

31. Which bird can do math as well as a monkey? (simple counting and comparison)

32. What is the Shrike bird infamous for?
Impaling prey on thorns or spikes for later consumption.

33. What did the U.S. Navy train bottlenose dolphins to do during the Vietnam war?
Detect & defend against enemy swimmers trying to plant bombs on U.S. ships.

34. What happens if you leave a goldfish in the dark for an extended period of time?
They turn pale

35. True or false? In Alaska, it is illegal to whisper in someone’s ear while they’re moose hunting.

36. Guess the scrambled animal word! MRSPLAAUI

37. Which of the big cats has loudest roar?
Lion’s roar can be heard up to 3 miles or 5 kilometres away.

38. Which bird uses twigs as tools to scratch their their bodies?

39. True or false? Anteaters do not have teeth.

40. Yaks have adapted to high altitudes. What is different with their biology?
Huge lung capacity, small red blood cells.

Thanks for playing the Animal General Knowledge Quiz! How much Animal trivia did you know?

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