NSP - Dragon Slayer (BGM Ponified Remix) ft. TalkNet

Описание к видео NSP - Dragon Slayer (BGM Ponified Remix) ft. TalkNet

ORIGINAL:   • Dragon Slayer (Level Up) - NSP  
A ponified remix of Dragon Slayer. I heard the "Level Up" version that recently came out and instantly knew I wanted Trixie to sing it, it's a perfect fit with only minor dialogue tweaks. So, 12 straight caffeine fueled hours of wrestling with TalkNet later and this is what I could manage. Unfortunately the Trixie model isn't super easy to get good results out of, mostly due to not enough data existing, made even harder by the fact that this is RIGHT on the edge of Trixie's vocal range, plus there's a lot of sustained notes which TalkNet hates. The high backing is actually Pinkie cause there was no way Trix was going that high. Regardless, it came out about as I expected, that being... Not great. Still was a fun learning experience, and gave me new appreciation for the original song with how awesome the singer is and how much neat stuff is going on with the vocals.

I also attempted a more automated way of auto tuning to make it a less tedious process. It didn't work and I had to go in manually anyways.


Why hello there. You're a very attractive young stud.
I'd like to ask you out on the hottest of dates.
Trixie sees that you have a lot of other mares to choose from. Allow me to make my case...

This gal is a wonderbolt
But I can fly faster than light speed with no wings
This cowgirl's got bucking legs
But I can lift the weight of Saturn's asteroid ring

That mare's a magical prodigy
But I invented every possible spell last week
And if that's not enough lemme ask
When was last time one of these cunts killed a motherfuckin' mythical beast?

Oh yeah, I will rock your world
Cause I'm an Ursa slayin' girl!
I shall now expose my chest
Don't act like you're not impressed

How hard did I just seal the deal
With my Major slayer steel
Do you feel all my sexy appeal
And my story that's so very totally real

I rode up to the mountaintop
It was ninety million hundred fifty thousand hundred hooves in the air
Til I found the Ursa's cave
And I fought through her army of awesome karate bears

The Ursa fought like tartarus
And we fought so hard I missed a longstanding appointment for brunch
Then I swung my wagon like a club
And it caused a sonic rainboom that exploded space and shattered the sun

Oh yeah, deep in love you'll be
with these two Ursa slayin' teats
I killed a demon with this horn
I'm the highest level unicorn

In case you might need more proof
I brought the Ursa right to you
it's the one that I slew
She'll attest that my story is totally true.

Ursa dance!

I am an Ursa.
Not some magical illusion, that Trixie conjured up

stud let's go back to my place
Nothing fancy, just a huge mansion in space
Can you guess what's coming next?
Here's a hint: I'm talking about sex

This is the best day of your life
I'll be your Ursa slayer wife
Now it's time to decide
Which lucky one of us is gonna be your lover tonight?

Oh, Trixie sees you've chosen the Wonderbolt. And the prodigy.
And apparently the cowgirl as well. And a changeling clone of me!?
Now you're just putting salt in the wound.


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