Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Defense Ministry

Описание к видео Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Defense Ministry

Arriving at the Georgian Ministry of Defense, Fisher begins the search for Grinko, to find out why Blaustein and Madison were killed. Fisher first encounters and interrogates Grinko's personal driver, Hamlet. The latter reveals that Grinko is former-Spetznaz, now a mercenary and is shortly meeting a computer geek called Philip Masse in the elevator overlooking the Ministry courtyard. With this info, Fisher delves deeper into the interior, and locates Grinko and Masse meeting in the elevator. Using his Laser Mic, Fisher is able to secretly eavesdrop on their conversation and hears the two discussing Blaustein and Madison briefly. They then hint that Nikoladze is conducting some kind of top-secret operation in Azerbaijan, and that Nikoladze has evidence stored on his office computer. To uncover what they're hiding, Fisher infiltrates Nikoladze's personal office and has Anna Grímsdóttir, Third Echelon's technical expert, hack into the computer via satellite. The Ministry's security detects the hack and cuts Grímsdóttir's access, sending the building into alert. She hacks in again however, and retrieves the rest of the data, which reveals that Nikoladze has secretly been waging an ethnic-cleansing campaign in Azerbaijan, which is still ongoing by cells of the Georgian military. Fisher fights his way out of the building and escapes via helicopter, piloted by Third Echelon field runner Vernon Wilkes, Jr. The data that Grímsdóttir gained is further analyzed in full detail by the National Security Agency. The detected intrusion at the Ministry forces Nikoladze to go into underground hiding. He then kick-starts his campaign into full action: the Georgian military cells now start murder rampages throughout Azerbaijan. NATO sends troops into the affected areas in an effort to stop the attempted genocide, and to locate Nikoladze. During this chaos, the NSA notice, in the data retrieved from the Ministry, that a Georgian military cell stationed on an oil rig on the Caspian Sea has been exchanging data with the Georgian Presidential Palace, speculating it is of considerable significance; and thus Fisher is sent there to retrieve the data.


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