PEN Fallengod Journey LeDuck Part 4

Описание к видео PEN Fallengod Journey LeDuck Part 4

0:00 - 0:15 Intro
0:15 - 8:02 Memories
8:02 - 12:10 Progress
12:10 - 15:59 The End

Some context behind each part:

Probably the one that is the most important to me individually. The two players mentioned in that part of the video are the two players i interacted with the most in my bdo time, they were a big reason why i could easily progress in the game, duo grinding with them, sharing with them updates related to bdo on a daily basis... seeing them leave the game (or in mercers case, not playing the game a lot anymore) does hurt me and my own experience with bdo. progressing becomes harder, grind becomes solo content... and the distance towards the goals i set up for myself become seemingly unreachable.
even tho i can imagine many people watching this video cant relate to this part of the video, maybe even asked themself "why is that part of the video?" - it had to be in there. when i look back on my "Fallengod Journey", i wanna also look back at the time i spent with my friends. and while i (for obvious reason) couldnt include clips of tons of memorable moments shared with them, i had to include atleast those couple ones i did had, for the sake of keeping them forever :)

This one is quite obvious i guess. i thought about showing off my progress from grinding through this part of the video. additionally, i wanted to make a little transition type of thing from one of my favourite grind spots (Hexe) that became a off-meta spot into the new (current) meta spots Thornwood, Ash Forest, Oluns Valley and Crypt of Resting Thoughts. i had quite a few more clips (probably 100+) that i could add in here, but it already felt stacked enough, so i just didnt bother adding any more :D

"The End":
This one obviously was the one i was looking for the most, i worked like 5 months on this goal of preordering the helmet in the end, and naturally the video editing was supposed to end up with this one big ending... and then i just get cucked. ahhhh yea idk - it kinda made me lose all my motivation to edit this video any longer and i just wanted to finish it, despite knowing that i might not meet certain peoples expectations. if i couldnt meet them, im sorry^^

"Reaction to the Labreska Preorder & other talk"
43min long video i made in the past 2 days. it is supposed to show me (and my feelings/reaction) on the morning of the labreska listing (live talk), aswell as explains everything related to why the owner of the helmet (Reddit) sold the item, if it was RMT and so on. it is supposed to let all those rumors going around disappear by showing the actual truth behind a rare listing of a obliterating labreska helmet.
it also talks about who actually ended up getting the helmet, so if u wanna hear more about that person, all i know about him is also in that video.


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