When She Pulls Away, Mirror Her to Restore Attraction

Описание к видео When She Pulls Away, Mirror Her to Restore Attraction

Get Atomic Attraction (Audiobook/Kindle/Paperback): https://www.developattraction.com/ato...

Any man who’s been in a serious relationship knows that women frequently pull away and create problems for no reason. When this happens, the man’s natural instinct is to wonder why his girlfriend or wife is acting this way. Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for a woman’s behavior; at other times, there’s no logical explanation except for a female predisposition towards emotional instability. Perhaps you’ve done something to upset her; perhaps she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or perhaps she’s testing you to see how you’ll respond. Whatever the reason might be, the most important thing a woman wants to know is this: are you strong enough to handle her emotions or not?

If a woman’s acting moody or withdrawn, all the talking in the world won’t bring her back to a place of joy and happiness. Expressions of frustration and anger will only pour fuel on the situation as the woman comes to realize that she now has power over you and your emotions. In this situation, any attempt to placate a woman and soothe her will be met with sharp resistance. Instead, it’s always better to mirror a woman’s emotions to neutralize her power. When a woman pulls away from you, you must also pull away; when she grows distant and withdrawn, you too must become distant and withdrawn; and when she pushes you away by acting rude and disrespectful, simply withdraw your attention and refuse to empower her.

Imagine for a moment that a piece of string binds you to the woman you desire. Every time the string pulls tight, there’s sexual tension in the relationship. Similarly, when the string goes slack, tension dies and attraction fades. When attraction fades and there’s a loss of sexual interest, either you or the woman—preferably both—must pull away from each other to bring sexual tension back into the relationship.

When a woman pulls away or becomes emotionally distant, most men, in a desperate attempt to soothe their anxiety, try to close the distance, thus making the string go slack, killing all sexual tension and attraction in the process. Instead, when a woman pulls away, you must mirror her behavior and also pull away in response. This, once more, pulls the string tight, bringing sexual tension back into the relationship with force and vigor.

If you want to maintain attraction with a woman, right from the moment you first meet her all the way through to a long-term relationship, then I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction.


Check out the Get Her Back (Action Plan) for the best way to get your girlfriend back if she's pulled away from you or left you.


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Trust yourself and trust the process,

Chris Canwell


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